Hi loves!
Today is our first AMA Episode– ‘Ask Me Anything’. If you ever want to submit your question… text me HERE and start your text with AMA!
Thank you so much for submitting your texts… it means the world to hear from you!

When I first started reading your texts, I noticed a theme in a lot of them–
‘how do you balance everything’
‘how do you have it all together’
‘how do you find time for you’
And the answer is… I’m on this journey with you! Life is scattered, chaotic, * eats handful of Bella’s goldfish * and messy!
The goal is to Live Beautifully… and sometimes it’s living messy.
I hope you enjoy this episode… I think it’s my favorite so far because I get to talk to YOU and answer your questions!


I can’t wait to hear from you after! What was your biggest takeaway?