Hi, I'm Katrina

I'm your trainer and the founder of Studio KSL. I'm so glad you're here! 


studio ksl

I hope you’re doing well and soaking up all the spring sunshine!

Life lately has been challenging. I keep telling myself that ‘this too shall pass‘. The days and nights are really long during this final stretch of pregnancy— wrapping up work projects, zoom calls, chasing a toddler around, preparing for baby girl to make her arrival, and tons of dr appointments. Plus, on top of that, we’ve been extremely sick.

I’m sitting here with a wellness shot (ginger, garlic, oregano, + lemon) and a green smoothie (orange juice, lemon, spinach, frozen pineapple, TIU protein + greens). Apologies, I haven’t been able to release any podcast episodes or anything, but after the VLOG below, our whole family was hit with an intense virus that we still can’t seem to shake.

It’s thankfully not COVlD, or I’d unfortunately end up in the delivery room alone, but we’ve never been so sick for this long. Is anyone else experiencing this right now? We’re on day 20 and after 4 family visits to Urgent Care, antibiotics, and tons of trips to check on the baby, we still don’t know what it is. It started as an intense sinus infection, body chills, fevers, and then moved into our ears, and now it’s in our respiratory system. The cough spams are pretty scary, especially with limited space in my lungs.

I’m hoping we’ll recover soon, especially before the baby comes, but wow it makes me appreciate the days when we’re healthy. The sleepless nights, tears all around, countless tissue boxes, and toddler meltdowns all add up, but I think I see the light. I just want to feel somewhat normal before the 4th trimester, which I know is intense in itself.

Thank you for all the natural remedy tips and advice on instagram too… it has helped a lot. I appreciate you! I have vapo rub, steam showers, netti pot, humidifier + essential oils, heating/ice packs, wellness shots, and tea with honey on repeat.

Here’s our latest VLOG:

I don’t have many pictures over the last few weeks, but I’ll be sharing more as we welcome our daughter earthside!

Sending you all my love,



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